Most Recent Additions*


Lithium Grease as an Effective Predator Guard for Eastern Bluebird Nests
Michael Trusty, Amanda Trusty, and Virginie Rolland


Natural Selection after Severe Winter Favors Larger and Duller Bluebirds
Virginie Rolland, Susan L. Balenger, Jennifer L. Grindstaff, and Lynn Siefferman


Genomic data reveal unexpected relatedness between a brown female Eastern Bluebird and her brood
Joseph L. Schroeder, Alexander J. Worm, Andrew D. Sweet, and Virginie Rolland


Microhabitat of Myotis leibii summer roosts at the southwestern periphery of their range
Valerie M. Kearny, Roger W. Perry, Thomas S. Risch, and Virginie Rolland


Sibling Aggression, Feeding Rates, and Hatch Rank of Nestling Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus)
Sara J. Miller, Cheryl R. Dykstra, Virginie Rolland, and Melinda M. Simon


Effects Of Infrared Radiation On Germination Of Long Grain Rice
Rachel M. Hampton, Griffiths Atungulu, Virginie Rolland, and Shantae A. Wilson


Evening Bats (Nycticeius humeralis) Use Bird Nest Boxes as Day Roosts in Northeastern Arkansas
Virginie Rolland, Samuel A. Schratz, Daniel R. Istvanko, and Sara E. Harrod


Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) rear four broods to apparent fledging in northeastern Arkansas
Sara E. Harrod, Caitlin De Bellis, Amanda Trusty, and Virginie Rolland


Factors driving California pocket mice (Chaetodipus californicus) population dynamics
Vratika Chaudhary, William D. Tietje, Anne Y. Polyakov, and Virginie Rolland


Multiple coping strategies maintain stability of a small mammal population in a resource-restricted environment
Anne Y. Polyakov, William D. Tietje, Arjun Srivathsa, and Virginie Rolland


Climatic factors and population demography in big-eared woodrat, Neotoma macrotis
Virginie Rolland, William D. Tietje, Anne Y. Polyakov, and Vratika Chaudhary

*Updated as of 02/21/25.