Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Sandy King

Second Advisor

Beatrice Bailey


This DNP project examines how mindfulness training for associate degree nursing faculty can enhance educator self-efficacy in implementing teaching methods that reduce anxiety among nursing students before simulation exercises. The primary issue identified is the lack of faculty training in pre-simulation facilitation practices, which is crucial for ensuring students are adequately prepared. Using a pre-test/post-test design, this initiative evaluated changes in educator mindfulness self-efficacy among 14 faculty members. Results indicated a significant improvement in self-efficacy scores. The pre-test mean score was 3.36, which rose to a post-test mean score of 4.60. These project results demonstrate that mindfulness training effectively enhanced educator self-efficacy. This project further provides evidence of the importance of faculty development in mindfulness, which not only enhances educator self-efficacy but also cultivates a supportive learning environment. These improvements contribute to better student outcomes in nursing education by equipping educators to effectively manage student anxiety during the pre-simulation phase.

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