Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Sandy King

Second Advisor

Sarah Davidson


Public campaigns have increased awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, however, education for healthcare providers concerning brain health and appropriate screenings to identify elderly patients at risk is not present. This curricular policy change project outlines the need for faculty buy-in to complete a curriculum change that addresses the lack of geriatric-evidence based education within an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AASN) program. Qualitative data identifies the amount of geriatric-evidence based education present in the current AASN curriculum map. Using Lewin’s change management theory (CMT) and the Cognitive-Affective-Social Theory of Learning Environments (CASTLE), an educational module teaching the 4Ms framework was developed and presented to the AASN faculty. Faculty buy-in to support the proposed curriculum change was 100% in favor, supported by positive qualitative feedback. This change increased the total amount of evidence-based geriatric content from 8 to 13 instances in the AASN curriculum, signifying the importance of faculty buy-in to support curriculum change

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