Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Debra Schulte


The widespread prevalence of youth anxiety has a strain on rural communities lacking screening access. The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) Tool is widely validated to assess anxiety. The project’s purpose analyzed clinician’s adherence to screening youth with a chief complaint of anxiety or as a behavioral referral at Shaw Medical. The principal investigator implemented a SCARED educational protocol which consisted of SCARED handouts, mock training interviews, a post-educational survey, and chart audits. A descriptive research design using a retrospective chart review examined SCARED screenings in 100 youth aged 8-18 listing sociodemographic statuses of gender, race, and welfare status. The project aim evaluated clinicians SCARED screening reliability based on implemented policies. Excel data collection measured clinician’s tool utilization and excluded prior anxiety diagnosed charts. The project compared 100 pre-intervention charts and 50 post-intervention charts detailing increased screen results post-education. The pre-intervention results revealed 61% of charts had missing or incomplete SCARED Tool screenings. However, the post-intervention chart review measured 100% of SCARED Tool screenings administered successfully. The usage of the SCARED tool at Shaw Medical enhanced practitioners’ ability to diagnose anxiety, improve the ability to treat childhood anxiety through early detection, and increase patient outcomes.

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