Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

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First Advisor

Debra Schulte


The nursing shortage has been linked to student retention and success in nursing education. Arkansas State University Beebe’s (ASUB) Practical Nursing program has experienced poor retention of students, which has indirectly affected the staffing of community healthcare partners. According to Twidwell et al. (2018), the Health Education Systems Incorporated Admission Assessment (HESI A2) positively correlated to student success. The ASUB nursing program acceptance protocol consists of ranking applicants related to HESI A2 composite scores without benchmark scores. Therefore, this Quality Improvement Project’s purpose was to determine if the students admitted to the program with a composite score of 75% or greater were successful in the program. This project utilized a retrospective, quantitative, descriptive design. The Plan Do Study Act method was used for scholarly inquiry with a systematic approach. Deidentified data were placed on an Excel spreadsheet, and Descriptive statistics and a Chi-Square Test of Independence were completed using the Intellectus Statistics program (Intellectus Statistics, 2023). Significance was based on an alpha value of .05 and a p = .031, suggesting a relationship between the composite score of 75% and student graduation. Therefore, this project concludes that the HESI A2 composite score of 75% positively correlated with student success.

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