Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Debra Schulte


The data in an end-of-a-program student survey are crucial for maintaining a high-quality program and meeting accreditation standards. This quality improvement project aims to formulate a revised end-of-program evaluation survey for graduates to use to provide feedback to make necessary improvements to the program and employ better communication and access to educators for students to feel connected and important. After the item analysis method was used to review the questions and revise the survey, the revision of the survey was sent to the current summer RN to BSN students to complete and provide data about the overall program. Another method is staging the release of the survey to provide multiple opportunities for the students to complete the survey and increase the response rate. Because the survey is currently being disseminated the results are preliminary. The preliminary results show an increase in the response rate due to the added availability of the survey post-graduation and the revision of the survey captures effective feedback as opposed to the previous survey to gather opportunities for improvement to maintain a high-quality RN to BSN program for students to advance their nursing education.

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