Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Inconsistent guidelines and nonadherence to diabetic foot screening recommendations are ongoing problems. This project aimed to promote the prevention of diabetic foot complications by detecting complications early and determining who is at high risk. An educational intervention provided for clinicians addressing the importance of foot assessments and the use of a diabetic foot screening tool was provided. After the education was provided, a pre-and post-test comparison was assessed for increased knowledge. Due to a small sample size and the need to assess results quickly, the plan-do-study-act method guided the project. Post-intervention, the goal was to have four providers increase the number of foot assessments over two weeks. Retrospective chart audits were conducted for two weeks pre-intervention and for two weeks post-intervention to evaluate the progress of diabetic foot screenings performed after the educational intervention. Retrospective audits revealed no routine protocol being utilized. After the project, of the 78 charts reviewed, 78.2% (61) patients had screenings completed and documented, which far exceeded the goal of 50%. For the foot exam outcome, chi-square analysis found a statistically significant increase in the proportion of patients receiving them, pre-intervention to post-intervention, X2(1) = 94.90, p < 0.001. The education given to the clinicians was an effective intervention that led to a significant increase in the number of diabetic foot screenings provided.

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