Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Diabetes impacts around 422 million individuals globally, resulting in 1.5 million reported annual deaths. Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 35.4% of the population in the United States, with 1.4 million new cases identified each year. When not managed properly, diabetes can spiral into a long list of complications. Among the various challenges in diabetes management, foot complications stand out as significant and often avoidable. Without proper attention, these complications can lead to severe health issues. To address this concern, this project focuses on resolving standard foot inspection practices within an assisted living facility in central Mississippi. The goal is to align the facility with best practices in diabetes management. A total of 40 out of 43 residents diagnosed with diabetes (ICD-10 codes E08–E13) successfully underwent the Inlow 60-Second Screening, demonstrating an integration rate of 93%. According to the tool's algorithm, 23 out of the 40 screened residents will continue to undergo screening every three months by the nursing staff. In comparison, the remaining 17 residents require monthly screening due to comorbidities. This change will help to prevent undetected injuries that often result in diabetic foot infections, ulcers, and amputations. This shift reflects a substantial improvement in the quality of care for diabetic residents, affirming the project's success in prompting positive change within the facility.

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