Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

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Osteoporosis affects over 12 million Americans, leading to fractures, chronic pain, reduced independence, and decreased quality of life (United States Preventative Services Task Force [USPSTF], 2018). Up to 30% of individuals who suffer an osteoporotic hip fracture will not survive 12 months post-fracture, and 71% of all osteoporotic fractures occur in women (USPSTF, 2018). Due to increased risk with age, the USPSFT recommends all women have initial bone densitometry at age 65 or greater (2018). Medicare reimburses DEXA screening, the gold standard bone densitometry, every 24 months in individuals at risk (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMMS], 2018). The purpose of this quality improvement project is to investigate the rates of bone density scan orders for female patients ages 65 and greater in a clinic in Northeast Arkansas as compared to the national average for Medicare enrollees of 79.3% as reported by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (2018).

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