Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

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Colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States (USPSTF, 2016). In 2017 there were over 141, 000 cases diagnosed with over 51,000 deaths reported (Center for Disease Control, 2020). This raises great concern for primary care clinicians. One guideline recommended by USPSTF, is that patients undergo screening who are at low to moderate risk for colorectal cancer. This can be done by various studies. Cologuard, which is a fecal occult screening that detects certain DNA markers or blood is currently recognized by the USPSTF for colorectal cancer. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to examine the usage of fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in patients between ages 50-74 years old in rural community comparative to national standard recommended by USPSTF (2016).

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