Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting

Second Advisor

Beverly Clark


Food allergies are a rising public health concern with no indication of deceleration. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is to enact an Arkansas state law to protect the food allergy community in dining out at restaurants to increase quality of life and decrease adverse allergic reactions. The current Arkansas state legislation for restaurant food allergy employee training is absent and action needs to be taken to safeguard the food allergy community from life-threatening reactions. The methodology involved contacting the six states that have previously implemented similar food allergy legislation. It encompassed performing a thorough search of the current legislation for the six states online at credible resources. Data were analyzed via cognizant evaluation for commonalities. The results indicated that 67% of the six states that have enacted food allergy legislation have a commonality in the restaurant food allergy law. The commonality is that a manager or senior staff restaurant employee undergoes a training certification course about food allergy education and the restaurant industry. A major finding for this DNP project is the recent passing of food allergy restaurant legislation Texas. This is beneficial to the state of Arkansas due to Texas being the first Southern state to pass a food allergy legislature. The findings of this DNP project have a great impact on healthcare. It impacts healthcare by improving preventative care, decreasing the percentage of allergic reactions/anaphylactic cases, decreasing the volume of urgent care and emergency room (ER) visits, and enhancing public health.

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