Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Nursing faculty transitioning from clinical expert into the novice educator role face the dilemma of learning a new professional role while simultaneously meeting the demands of developing students to become competent nurses. A literature review suggested informal orientation programs lack the guidance necessary to assist novice nursing faculty in the transition to academia. This quality improvement project aims to develop and implement a formal, guided orientation program for nursing faculty with less than three years of experience. The project was implemented using a qualitative pre-post intervention design. Nursing faculty with less than three years of experience completed a Likert scale survey before and after their participation in a formal orientation program. Statistical analysis with the Wilcoxon-signed rank test compared pre- and post-intervention surveys. Although the data analysis did not result in significant statistical evidence, the review of individual variable rankings before and after the implementation of a formal orientation program indicated an increase in faculty confidence levels after the orientation. This project illustrates the need for formal orientation processes to prepare nursing faculty for their role in academia. Well-prepared nursing faculty members positively impact the profession through purposeful support and mentorship of future nurses.

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