Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Sandy King

Second Advisor

Sylette Debois


The International Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Best Practice Standards related to prebriefing recommends establishing a prebriefing plan to prepare the learners for a simulation activity. A simulation briefing should orient the learner, promote learner engagement, and reinforce psychological safety. The nursing faculty’s unfamiliarity with an established prebriefing tool at the clinical site and reliance on the single simulation educator resulted in self-guided briefings and reduced the faculty facilitators' competency. The quality improvement project aimed to reorient nursing faculty in an associate degree nursing program to a prebriefing tool available at the clinical site. After reorientation, the PI evaluated how it affected the faculty’s competency as facilitators. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Eight full-time nursing faculty utilized the Simulation Implementation Readiness Assessment Tool (SIRA-T) as the intervention tool for the quality improvement (QI) project. A pre-and post-survey was created utilizing the Facilitation Competency Rubric (FCR) prebriefing construct. This survey assessed the faculty’s facilitation competency levels using Benner’s Novice to Expert scale. Since a pre-and post-survey method was utilized using the same sample population, a paired sample t-test was used for data analysis. No statistical significance was observed when using the prebriefing tool. The faculty's overall competency levels improved from advanced beginner (2) to competent (3) for three out of four FCR components. While not statistically significant, the prebriefing tool did have some effect on the competency level of the faculty. These findings support best practice standards that recommend using a prebriefing tool for simulation briefings. The project contributes to the literature that analyzes the effects of a written standardized prebriefing on faculty competency and confidence when serving as a simulation facilitator.

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