Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


This quality improvement project aimed to enhance student engagement in an online RN to BSN program by incorporating gamification strategies into the curriculum. Traditional teaching methods often fail to maintain student interest, leading to low engagement and reduced program completion rates. This project sought to determine the impact of gamification on student engagement compared to no gamification. The intervention involved integrating gamified elements into the online RN to BSN program to create a more interactive learning environment. The project employed a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with a pre-intervention and post-intervention assessment. Data on student engagement metrics, including login frequency, time spent on content, content interaction, discussion board participation rates, and quiz grades, were collected using the Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System. Baseline data were gathered before the implementation of gamification, and post-intervention data were collected after four weeks. The findings revealed statistically significant improvements in student engagement metrics post-intervention. The results support the effectiveness of the gamification strategy in making the course content more engaging and encouraging frequent interaction. This project's results support the integration of gamification as an innovative teaching strategy in nursing education. The findings highlight the potential of gamification to enhance learning experiences, improve academic outcomes, and better prepare nursing students for their professional roles. Implementing gamification in other online nursing programs could lead to similar positive outcomes, promoting a more engaged and competent nursing workforce.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
