Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Karen Aul


The objective of this descriptive study is to identify factors that may impact adherence for providing patients enrolled in a rural primary care practice with an asthma action plan (AAP) as recommended by The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHBLI). The AAP, developed by the provider and care team in partnership with the patient, describes explicit instructions for long-term control and quick relief-medication tailored to the literacy and cultural beliefs of the patient. Currently; the rate of adherence for this standard practice at the primary care site is 20%. The plan is to be updated at every patient visit and shared with clinical and support care persons at other points of care, such as schools and community settings. A retrospective chart audit of existing medical records was conducted. One-hundred records, 50 with a current AAP and 50 without an AAP were selected from the approximately 400 records of active patients with a diagnosis of asthma. Data was abstracted to include: patient descriptors (age, gender, and ethnicity) clinical markers (disease onset, exacerbations, pulmonary function tests, medications, and treatment) and health system variables (patient enrollment date and treatment provider). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.

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