Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Mark Foster


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a competency-based interprofessional diabetes education module, using a multi-modular approach. The results of a needs assessment of health professionals revealed few opportunities for interprofessional diabetes education, other than through “on-the-job” training. A nurse-led, comprehensive diabetes education program was developed to support achievement of interprofessional competencies for health professions students prior to graduation for the improvement of population health for clients with diabetes, following the needs assessment. The program included didactic education and simulation experience encompassing the use of the Alphabet Strategy for diabetes education, addressing the need for interprofessional diabetes education among health professions students. A quasi-experimental design using a 35-item multiple choice pre-test/post-test education survey assessing knowledge, behavior, and attitude was administered in person before and after the education intervention to evaluate competencies. A convenience sample of clinical students from the senior level of five health professions programs was recruited. A paired-samples t test was calculated to compare the mean pre-test score to the mean post-test score. The mean pre-test score was 57.13 and the mean post-test score was 65.85. A statistically significant increase from pre-test to post-test was found with a probability level of

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