Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

K. Susan Snellgrove

Second Advisor

Karen Farst


Caring for victims of sexual violence requires evidence based didactic education combined with clinical preceptorship by a qualified advanced practice provider. With less than twenty certified sexual assault nurse examiners in the state of Arkansas, it is imperative to increase access to qualified examiners. Despite available didactic courses, access to qualified clinical preceptors/mentors is an obstacle that has yet to be addressed. To assess the interest of advanced providers in completing a certification course in forensics that would qualify them as a preceptor for novice sexual assault nurse examiners, a pilot study was conducted. Majority of respondents (80%) were interested in completing the sixteen hour course and being qualified to serve as a preceptor/mentor to a novice SANE. The findings suggest that advanced providers are open to serving as preceptors/mentors to novice SANEs following CEU course completion. This project outlined the current limited access to care for victims of sexual violence in the state of Arkansas. Utilizing state exemplars of practice regulation and national best practice standards an introductory module was developed for advanced practice providers. This module is meant to be part of a sixteen hour certification module. Completion of the certification would lend to increased access to quality preceptors, sexual assault program development, and establish standards of practice for the state of Arkansas.

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