Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Karen Aul


The impact of sepsis is a significant health problem with estimations of 3 million cases of severe sepsis annually and a resultant 750,000 deaths in the United States (Gaieski, Edwards, Kallan & Carr, 2013). The implementation of a Sepsis Coordinator was developed at a local acute care facility to identify areas of opportunities in the care of sepsis patients, facilitate processes to identify patients at risk for sepsis, educate the multidisciplinary team on new and existing evidence and measure and monitor outcome data. This study evaluates the impact of a Sepsis Coordinator on hospital mortality, length of stay and evidence-based care (completion of 3-hour bundle care elements) in the adult sepsis patient population. A retrospective chart review was conducted to record patient mortality, hospital length of stay and 3-hour bundle completion for patients before and after the implementation of a Sepsis Coordinator. Descriptive analysis of demographic variables revealed the 18 to 39-age category represented 10.7%, the 60-80 age category represented 35.7 % and the 40-59 age category represented 53%. 14.3% of the sample population identified as African American with 85.7% identified as white. Males represented 55.4% of the sample population with the remaining 44.6% female. Completion of the 3-hour sepsis bundle was recorded in the pre-sepsis group (M= 1.32, SD .476) and the post-Sepsis Coordinator group (M=1.07, SD=.262) (t=2.436, p =<.05 or p =.018) with the results being statistically significant. The implementation of a Sepsis Coordinator is beneficial in facilitating Evidence-Based Care for adult patients with Sepsis or Severe Sepsis. However, results do not demonstrate there is a significant impact on patient mortality and hospital length of stay.

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