Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Hypertension is a major public health challenge, contributing significantly to global morbidity and mortality. Despite the availability of JNC-8 guidelines, adherence in clinical practice is often lacking. This project aimed to improve hypertension management in a primary care setting by educating clinical staff on the JNC-8 guidelines to enhance adherence to evidence-based practices. The primary purpose of this project was to address the lack of knowledge and suboptimal hypertension control through targeted educational interventions for clinical staff. The methodological approach involved a pre- and post-intervention design, with educational sessions conducted for medical assistants. Data on blood pressure control and staff knowledge were collected before and after the intervention. Pre- and post-test scores assessing staff knowledge revealed a significant enhancement, with average scores rising from 60% to 85%. Post-intervention, the number of patients with controlled blood pressure increased, while those with uncontrolled blood pressure decreased, demonstrating a substantial improvement. These findings indicate a statistically significant improvement in both hypertension control and staff knowledge following the educational intervention, highlighting the effectiveness of ongoing professional education in implementing clinical guidelines. The project underscores the crucial role of DNP-prepared nurses in leading quality improvement initiatives that bridge the gap between research and practice. By providing a replicable model for other primary care practices, this project contributes to the broader field of chronic disease management, emphasizing the importance of continuous staff education in achieving better patient outcomes.

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