Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Nurse leaders at the unit level play a vital and indispensable role in acute care settings. Their influence extends beyond administrative tasks, as they significantly impact crucial factors such as nurse retention rates, patient outcomes, and the overall work environment of the unit-level teams. Effective unit-level leadership has been consistently associated with improved outcomes, increased job satisfaction, and decreased turnover among nurses (Aiken et al., 2011). This DNP project is focused on enhancing conflict management skills among unit-level nurse leaders in an acute care setting. The project followed a quality improvement sequence, which included obtaining a needs assessment for unit-level nurse leaders, conducting a pre-assessment survey, implementing an educational intervention, and conducting a post-assessment survey. The Conflict Management Styles Assessment, adapted by Dr. Adkins (Appendix A), was used to evaluate the conflict management styles of nurse leaders providing self-awareness of the participants. Following the pre-assessment, an educational intervention was implemented focused on developing the conflict management skills of the participating nurse leaders. The comparative survey results showed statistically significant data for improvement, indicating that the intervention was successful in enhancing the conflict management skills of nurse leaders.

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