Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


The amount of gonorrhea and chlamydia cases reported in the state of Arkansas over the past four years has gradually increased. Expedited partner therapy (EPT) offers secure, reliable treatment for heterosexual individuals exposed to gonorrhea or chlamydia by their sexual partner without a physical exam but is not commonly offered by providers at Lee County Cooperative Clinic. This quality improvement used CDC guidelines and Arkansas legal statutes to implement EPT education for the providers in a rural health clinic in Arkansas. The goal was to increase provider knowledge and comfort in prescribing EPT. Recruitment of four providers involved discussion of the project during staffing. Microsoft Teams was utilized to deliver the PowerPoint presentation education and follow-up communication with providers. Retrospective chart reviews were conducted four weeks before and after the education and independent t-test analysis was performed. There was no statistically significant increase in provider knowledge post-education with EPT template use (p=0.06, confidence interval 95%). While not all variables were statistically significant, practical ramifications should be considered including expanding the sample size and research duration to increase measurement variances.

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