Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Minority patients are experiencing maternal morbidity and mortality at rates three to four times higher than white patients in America (Valerio et al., 2023). The project aims to measure the impact of anti-racism training on new OB nurses' understanding of racial disparities and their impact on maternal health outcomes. A three-hour educational course, in alignment with evidence-based practices, was provided to the participants. Utilizing a Likert Scale, pre- and post-intervention assessments were administered via Microsoft Forms to measure participants' perception of knowledge of implicit bias and structural racism. Gender, age range, and race/ethnicity were also collected to allow for further data stratification. Data was analyzed using a paired t-test, with participants being nurses attending Perinatal Internship. There was a statistically substantial increase in knowledge perception following the course. Participants reported a significant increase in knowledge of implicit bias and its impact on medical outcomes. as well as methods to recognize and mitigate medical racism. This data will further support existing evidence on the necessity of formal anti-racism education in healthcare. The results will inform nursing leaders and educators about the benefits of implementing anti-racism initiatives in maternal healthcare settings. The targeted benefits of this project and subsequent implementation of educational initiatives include the development of an anti-racism culture with mitigation of racial disparities in patient outcomes. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to promote equitable and unbiased care for all birthing individuals and their babies.

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