Degree Name

Nurse Anesthesia, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Cassandra Massey


There is a competitive push for recruiting and retaining the Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) graduate. Retention efforts begin with their first clinical experience. Mentoring in the clinical setting is a critical factor in influencing the student nurse anesthetist's retention to practice. The purpose of this project was to assess whether mentoring in the local setting noted similar findings. The method involved a survey of student nurse anesthetists queried about perspectives on a clinical-based mentorship program. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) faculty members vetted the survey instrument before implementation. The project focused on students presently enrolled in their first-year clinical anesthesia rotation. Students were allowed to evaluate their experiences. The survey consisted of questions about demographics, mentoring relationships, mentoring characteristics, skill development, role satisfaction, and retention. Survey results noted similar practice experiences. There was a 100% participant response in the pilot study indicating that a clinical mentoring program would make the student more likely to stay in a clinical environment that empowers professional development. The project results showed that a mentoring program was well-received in one local anesthetic setting with first-year clinical SRNAs. This result is consistent with the literature on mentoring.

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