Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Sarah Davidson


The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy of Tansversus Abdominis Plane blocks in women undergoing gynecologic surgery and the decreased or eliminated opioid need. The opioid crisis has sparked interest in alternatives to traditional pain therapies in the surgical patient. Regional blocks are being added to the surgical patient's plan of care. In gynecologic surgeries, the Transversus Abdominis Plane block (TAP), has been increasing in popularity due to ease of learning and effectiveness. This project evaluates the efficacy of the TAP block and the elimination or decreased usage of opioids. A retrospective chart review was conducted from 2018-2019 for patients undergoing gynecological surgeries. Chi-square for analysis was used to compare the difference in pain scores. Subjects were identified as having received a TAP block for postoperative pain or receiving only traditional opioid pain control medications after surgery. Patients that received the TAP block reported lower pain scores than patients that opted not to have the block. While the block did not eliminate the need for opioids in all patients, a decreased demand was observed. The addition of TAP blocks can lead to more compliant patients, reduced hospital stays due to pain control, and improved outcomes.

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