Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


Menopause is a phase of life that occurs between the ages of 45-50 years and can last from 7-10 years or longer. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to develop a clinical protocol of assessments not currently completed to decrease the common symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes by implementing dietary changes and exercise as a weekly routine to decrease menopause symptoms. Participation was solicited at a private primary care clinic to women aged 40 and older over a 6-week period. BMI was calculated, documented, and completed surveys were retuned at check-out, with no identifiers and deposited into a locked box. The surveys included data on demographics, income, menopause symptoms, and lifestyle. Surveys were distributed to 75 participants with a 75% return rate. Participants overwhelmingly (99%) indicated they had not received information on menopause, expected symptoms, and methods to decrease the severity of symptoms prior to the onset of menopause. A new protocol was created and added to the clinic annual physicals for women aged 40 and older to prompt a comprehensive discussion of menopause between provider and patient. Providers and clinic staff were instructed on the new protocol and implementation completed within the clinical setting.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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