Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

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Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia, caused by impaired insulin secretions resulting in high hemoglobin A1C levels. Education is beneficial in reducing these as an additive to lifestyle and drug therapy. This student project reflects a program evaluation for a patient diabetes self-management education (DSME) intervention in one small rural outpatient system. DSME classes address the comprehensive blend of clinical, educational, psychosocial, and behavioral aspects of care needed for the daily management of people living with type II diabetes. Three months after completing a DSME the person experiencing type II diabetes has a repeat Hemoglobin A1C level taken for comparison. Hemoglobin A1C results were compared to those who deferred from DSME classes. Of the six referred candidates only three candidates attended a DSME. The results showed that the program had little impact on the patient hemoglobin A1C levels due to low participation (n=2/19). Barriers to attendance were a major issue for participation in this program evaluation and warrant further investigation.

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