Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Mark Foster


HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) contracted with over 33,000 cases of cancer attributable to the virus in the United States. The socioeconomical impact of HPV can be combatted with the HPV vaccine which is almost 100 percent successful in preventing infection. A strong provider recommendation is the most effective way to increase HPV vaccination. A private clinic in Arkansas with a total of 13 employees were provided HPV vaccination education. A survey was provided to evaluate knowledge on the topic prior to the presentation. An intervention bundle including 9 changes to vaccination procedures was implemented. One hundred charts from one month prior to implementation and 100 charts from one month after were reviewed. Inclusion criteria included all males and females’ charts, age 11 to 18 years old, that presented to the clinic. Clinical staff completed a post-survey assessing HPV vaccination knowledge one month after intervention application. Significant improvement was noted in post-intervention HPV vaccine rates including single injection and series completion when compared with percentage totals from the pre-intervention group. All survey respondents (100%) plan to routinely recommend the HPV vaccine and thought the interventions fit into clinic workflow. HPV immunization intervention application is a reproducible bundle that can improve HPV vaccination rates.

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