Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Debra Schulte


Communication deficiencies were identified among baccalaureate nursing students at South College in Nashville, TN, necessitating changes needing to be made in the nursing curricula. To address the flaws, the quality improvement project proposed implementing changes in clinical assignments during clinical rotations in medical-surgical nursing courses. The project manager discussed the purpose and usage of the SBAR tool, and the students then demonstrated the use of the tool. The clinical faculty rated the students using an eight-question Likert survey to assess the students’ confidence and competency three times; the first assessment at the end of the shift without guidance from their clinical instructor to establish a baseline performance, the second assessment at the end of the shift with guidance from the clinical instructor, and the third assessment during the change to provide a spontaneous real-life clinical scenario. The hypothesis was that implementing an SBAR protocol at South College would improve communication skills and confidence. The results were analyzed using a paired t-test. The project’s results showed that by emphasizing the importance of incorporating communication exercises and protocols like SBAR in the nursing curricula, communication and confidence skills increased among BSN students and improve patient safety outcomes in healthcare and healthcare education settings.

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