Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Christopher Jordan

Second Advisor

Shelly Rosenberg


The objective of the fasting guidelines is to improve the quality and efficacy of anesthesia care. It is based on two main researched principles: The ingested material must be clear without particulates, and it must not be within two hours of the procedure. The purpose of this project is to equip the medical community with the latest guidelines on NPO (fasting), ensuring that patients are seen on time without delays or cancellations of surgery and with improved patient comfort. A retrospective chart review of 500 randomly chosen charts from patients seen at an Endoscopy Center. Pearson’s Chi-square value and the degrees of freedom from the crosstabulation table was used to determine whether there was an NPO violation. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. There were 289 females, and 210 males included in the study. All 499 were NPO longer than the recommended two hours clear liquid policy of the American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA). The average NPO time was four hours, 29 minutes. All 499 patients were NPO longer than the two hours recommended by the ASA, demonstrating a need for education of the clear liquid policy from the ancillary level to the provider level.

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