Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Debbie Shelton


Depression is a major concern affecting all population groups across the world, yet little attention has been directed to adolescents despite high incidence rates. The inadequacy or limited mental health facilities have seen primary care clinics take up the role of screening for depression. Thus, this study investigated the rate of depression screening within primary care settings for adolescents. A descriptive research design was carried out and data collected using retrospective chart review of 100 charts. The study targeted adolescents within the age group of 11 and 14 who had sought primary care services from 2015 onwards. It excluded participants who had a previous history of depression and those with ICD-10 mental health codes. The findings were collected using a data collection tool to capture demographics and components of the PHQ-9. All the participants reported at least one of the nine PHQ-9 items, while only 43% of charts were screened for depression. Thus, the high rates of depression among adolescents require primary care to prioritize screening using the PHQ-9 tool.

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