Degree Name

Nursing Practice, DNP

Publication Date


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First Advisor

Linda Latting


This quality improvement project aimed to incorporate microlearning teaching methods, specifically short videos of less than 10 minutes, into the online setting of the Nursing Research course to improve student engagement and autonomy. Literature reviews revealed microlearning teaching methods improved students’ confidence, satisfaction, and engagement. Identifying teaching methodologies that allow students to learn the material and complete the work independently is essential for the student to be successful. The students completed a pre and post-survey measuring the students’ perception of microlearning teaching methods, satisfaction, and autonomy in completing work during weeks one and seven, and the analysis was completed using a paired t-test analysis. The finding validated previous research of microlearning, revealing increased satisfaction, confidence, and engagement. Results were favorable for microlearning teaching methods and showed statistical significance for student perception of microlearning, engagement, and autonomy in completing assignments. The students reported using the videos for assignments, favored short videos over longer lectures, and felt they could complete assignments independently. The analysis revealed statistically significant improvements in students' perceptions of microlearning, engagement levels, and ability to independently complete assignments. These positive outcomes suggest that microlearning is an effective strategy for online nursing education, warranting further exploration and integration into the broader RN to BSN curriculum or other online courses.

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