Predominant differentiation of rat fetal neural stem cells into functional oligodendrocytes in vitro

Document Type


Publication Title

Neuroscience letters

PubMed ID


MeSH Headings (Medical Subject Headings)

Animals; Cell Culture Techniques (methods); Cell Differentiation; Coculture Techniques (methods); Extracellular Matrix; In Vitro Techniques; Myelin Sheath (metabolism); Neural Stem Cells (cytology); Oligodendroglia (cytology); Rats; Rats, Sprague-Dawley


Oligodendrocytes form myelin in the CNS. A fast method to produce large quantity of oligodendrocytes that have the capacity of myelinating CNS neurons would be very useful for treating CNS injuries or demyelinating diseases, or for research purposes. We developed a simple standard protocol for predominant differentiation of rat fetal neural stem cells (NSCs) into oligodendrocytes. We adopted a new method to purify the oligodendrocytes and co-cultured the newly differentiated oligodendrocytes with hippocampal neurons to confirm their myelination capability. NSCs from embryonic day 14 (E14) were propagated at the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor and platelet derived growth factor alpha, and then differentiated in the medium containing triiodothyronine. Four extracellular matrix (ECM), poly-d-lysine (PDL), PDL-laminin, fibronectin, and matrigel, were examined for NSC differentiation. About 90 % of NSCs differentiated into oligodendrocytes on matrigel compared to 32 % on PDL or PDL-laminin, and 26 % on fibronectin after 3 weeks of differentiation, demonstrating the significant influence of ECM. Further, newly differentiated oligodendrocytes were co-cultured with hippocampal neurons from E18 rat embryos resulting in robust myelination of neurites at three weeks. In summary, we present a simplified and efficient method to predominantly generate oligodendrocytes from NSCs that is potentially very useful for CNS demyelination diseases.

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